In this example, we'll look at calibrating interest rate curves to market prices, and then using them to price portfolios of swaps.
Because the focus will be on using Loman, we'll adopt deliberately simplifying assumptions; time is a float, day count and business day conventions are ignored, quarters are exactly 0.25 years long and so on.
Our interest rate curves can be used for two things: discounting and projecting rates. To do this, we define a continuously-compounded forward rate $r(t)$, so that the discount rate from a payment at time $t$ to a time $s$ is \begin{equation} df(s,t) = \exp\left[-\int_s^t r(\tau) d\tau\right] \end{equation} and zero/FRA rates are defined by \begin{equation} df(s,t) = \frac{1}{1+\text{FRA}(s,t)(t-s)}. \end{equation}
Our BaseIRCurve class leaves the definition of $r$ blank, but otherwise fleshes out the methods we'll need, including methods to PV a set of cashflows, and also to plot the continuously-compounded forward rate, 3M FRA rates, and spot swap rates (once we define swap_rate, further below).
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class BaseIRCurve(object):
def r_quad(self, s, t):
b = np.broadcast(s,t)
out = np.empty(b.shape)
out.flat = [quad(self.r, s0, t0)[0] for s0, t0 in b]
return out
def r(self, t):
def df(self, s, t):
return np.exp(-self.r_quad(s, t))
def fra(self, s, t):
return (1 / self.df(s,t) - 1.) / (t - s)
def pv(self, amts, ts, s=0):
dfs = self.df(s, ts)
return np.sum(amts * dfs)
def plot(self):
ts = np.linspace(0.0, 29.75, 360)
plt.plot(ts, self.r(ts), label='r')
ts = np.linspace(0.0, 29.75, 120)
plt.plot(ts, self.fra(ts, ts+0.25), label='3M fwd')
plt.plot(ts, np.vectorize(swap_rate)(0, ts, 0.25, self, self), label='Swap Rate')
The FlatIRCurve class fills out the definitions of r and r_quad. $r(t)$ is piece-wise flat, and hence its integral is piecewise linear. Together with the methods defined by BaseIRCurve we will now have a basic but functional interest rate curve.
In [2]:
class FlatIRCurve(BaseIRCurve):
def __init__(self, ts, rates):
self.ts = ts
self.rates = rates
self.ts0 = np.zeros(len(self.ts) + 1)
self.ts0[1:] = self.ts
self.rquads = np.zeros_like(self.ts0)
self.rquads[1:] = np.cumsum(np.diff(self.ts0) * self.rates)
def r(self, t):
idx = np.minimum(np.searchsorted(self.ts, t, 'right'), len(self.ts)-1)
return self.rates[idx]
def r_quad(self, s, t):
return np.interp(t, self.ts0, self.rquads) - np.interp(s, self.ts0, self.rquads)
Finally, we'll need to set up some functions to calculate quarterly FRAs and discount them to calculate PVs of the fixed and floating legs of swaps, as well as the swap rate.
In [3]:
def sched(a, b, p):
n = int((b-a)/p)
if b - n * p > a + p / 2.:
n = n + 1
ts = np.linspace(b - n * p, b, n+1)
ts[0] = a
return ts
def swap_leg_pvs(a, b, p, projection_curve, discount_curve):
ts = sched(a, b, p)
pers = np.diff(ts)
fixed_pv = discount_curve.pv(pers, ts[1:])
fras = projection_curve.fra(ts[:-1], ts[1:])
float_pv = discount_curve.pv(pers * fras, ts[1:])
return fixed_pv, float_pv
def swap_rate(a, b, p, projection_curve, discount_curve):
fixed_pv, float_pv = swap_leg_pvs(a, b, p, projection_curve, discount_curve)
return float_pv / fixed_pv
Up until 2008, it was standard to use the LIBOR curve for both projection of LIBOR swap cashflows and for discounting those cashflows. We set up a Loman computation with inputs usd_libor_ts, a set of swap maturities, and usd_libor_c_rate a set of continuous compounding rates for each period. From those, we create a curve object usd_libor_curve, and then calculate swap rates using that curve for both projection and discounting, in usd_libor_swap_rates.
In [4]:
import loman
comp = loman.Computation()
comp.add_node('usd_libor_ts', value=np.array([1., 2., 3., 5., 7., 10., 15., 20., 30.]))
comp.add_node('usd_libor_c_rates', value=0.03*np.ones(9))
comp.add_node('usd_libor_curve', lambda usd_libor_ts, usd_libor_c_rates: FlatIRCurve(usd_libor_ts, usd_libor_c_rates))
lambda usd_libor_curve, usd_libor_ts:
np.vectorize(swap_rate)(0, usd_libor_ts, 0.25, usd_libor_curve, usd_libor_curve))
If we calculate all the nodes in Loman, we can plot the curve. Because we set all the continuously compounding rates to 3%, it's not a very interesting curve yet.
In [5]:
Now, to help calibrate our curve, we add a node that is market swap rates (usd_libor_mkt_swap_rates), and calculate the difference between the rates our curve is producing, and the market rates we are trying to fit to, in usd_libor_fitting_error.
In [6]:
comp.add_node('usd_libor_mkt_swap_rates', value=np.array([0.01364, 0.01593, 0.01776, 0.02023, 0.02181, 0.02343, 0.02499, 0.02566, 0.02593]))
lambda usd_libor_swap_rates, usd_libor_mkt_swap_rates:
usd_libor_swap_rates - usd_libor_mkt_swap_rates)
To calibrate our curve, we use a minimizer from scipy. Our objective function is to insert a trial set of continuously-compounded rates into the input usd_libor_c_rates, calculate the error vector usd_libor_fitting_error using Loman, and then return the sum of the squares (scaled appropriately for the solver). Our initial guess is taken from the current set of rates in usd_libor_c_rates.
In [7]:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def error(xs):
comp.insert('usd_libor_c_rates', xs)
return 10000. * np.sum(comp.value('usd_libor_fitting_error')**2)
res = minimize(error, comp.value('usd_libor_c_rates'))
res.success, res.nfev
The solver indicates that it rans successfully with 275 evaluations, so we insert its solution set of input rates into the computation (solvers aren't required that their last evaluation be the solution value), re-compute everything, and plot the resulting curve. We also show the market swap rates so we can see our calibration was successful.
In [8]:
comp.insert('usd_libor_c_rates', res.x)
plt.scatter(comp.value('usd_libor_ts'), comp.value('usd_libor_mkt_swap_rates'), label='Mkt Swap Rates')
Now that we have a valid interest rate curve, we can use it to value interest rate swaps. For now, our swaps will all be valued with using the same USD LIBOR curve.
We define a swap as a collection of named parameters, create a function to value them, and add a node portfolio to our computation, which is a set of swaps
In [9]:
from collections import namedtuple
Swap = namedtuple('Swap', ['notional', 'start', 'end', 'rate', 'freq'])
def swap_pv(swap, projection_curve, discount_curve):
fixed_pv, float_pv = swap_leg_pvs(swap.start, swap.end, swap.freq, projection_curve, discount_curve)
return swap.notional * (float_pv - swap.rate * fixed_pv)
comp.add_node('portfolio', value=[
Swap(10000000, 5, 10, 0.025, 0.25),
Swap(-5000000, 2.5, 12.5, 0.02, 0.25)
To value our portfolio, we simply apply our valuation function to each position in our portfolio, and Loman gives us an array back, with the value of each position
In [10]:
lambda portfolio, usd_libor_curve:
[swap_pv(swap, usd_libor_curve, usd_libor_curve) for swap in portfolio])
In [11]:
In [12]:
comp.add_node('usd_ois_ts', value=np.array([1., 2., 3., 5., 7., 10., 15., 20., 30.]))
comp.add_node('usd_ois_c_rates', value=0.03*np.ones(9))
comp.add_node('usd_ois_curve', lambda usd_ois_ts, usd_ois_c_rates: FlatIRCurve(usd_ois_ts, usd_ois_c_rates))
comp.add_node('usd_libor_ois_mkt_spreads', value=np.array([24.2, 26, 27.2, 29, 30.9, 33.4, 36.4, 38, 39.8])/10000.)
Now we need a function to calculate LIBOR-OIS spreads from our two curves using \begin{equation} PV_\text{LIBOR float leg} = PV_\text{OIS float leg} + s \times PV_\text{OIS 1bp fixed leg} \end{equation}
In [13]:
def swap_spread(a, b, p, projection_curve1, projection_curve2, discount_curve):
fixed_pv1, float_pv1 = swap_leg_pvs(a, b, p, projection_curve1, discount_curve)
fixed_pv2, float_pv2 = swap_leg_pvs(a, b, p, projection_curve2, discount_curve)
return (float_pv1 - float_pv2) / fixed_pv2
We use that function to calculate LIBOR-OIS spreads using our two curves, as well as another fitting error vector that we will use in calibration.
In [14]:
lambda usd_libor_curve, usd_ois_curve, usd_ois_ts:
np.vectorize(swap_spread)(0, usd_ois_ts, 0.25, usd_libor_curve, usd_ois_curve, usd_ois_curve))
lambda usd_libor_ois_spreads, usd_libor_ois_mkt_spreads:
usd_libor_ois_spreads - usd_libor_ois_mkt_spreads)
We should also update our LIBOR swap rate calculation to use our OIS curve for discounting:
In [15]:
lambda usd_libor_curve, usd_ois_curve, usd_libor_ts:
np.vectorize(swap_rate)(0, usd_libor_ts, 0.25, usd_libor_curve, usd_ois_curve))
Finally, for our calibration, it would be more convenient if we could just insert one vector, containing both LIBOR and OIS inputs, and have those feed through into usd_libor_c_rates and usd_ois_c_rates. Thanks to Loman, we can do this by giving them a common parent node. If we later want to insert values directly into usd_libor_c_rates and usd_ois_c_rates, then we can do that too, even though they are calculation nodes. We also define a node usd_fitting_error to collect the fitting error vectors.
In [16]:
comp.add_node('usd_c_rates', value=0.03*np.ones(18))
comp.add_node('usd_libor_c_rates', lambda usd_c_rates: usd_c_rates[0:9])
comp.add_node('usd_ois_c_rates', lambda usd_c_rates: usd_c_rates[9:18])
lambda usd_libor_fitting_error, usd_libor_ois_fitting_error:
np.concatenate([usd_libor_fitting_error, usd_libor_ois_fitting_error]))
comp.draw_graphviz(graph_attr={'size': '10,8'})
But it's ok. Loman can take care of this.
We can just apply the same method as before. Having the solver insert sets of inputs, and iterate until it has minimized the error. This time, the set of inputs that it is adjusting flow into the construction of two separate curves, usd_ois_curve, and usd_libor_curve.
In [17]:
def error(xs):
comp.insert('usd_c_rates', xs)
return 10000. * np.sum(comp.value('usd_fitting_error')**2)
res = minimize(error, comp.value('usd_c_rates'))
res.success, res.nfev
In [18]:
comp.insert('usd_c_rates', res.x)
Finally, we can plot LIBOR-OIS spreads from our dual boot-strapped curve, as well as LIBOR and OIS swap rates, to check the calibration.
In [19]:
ts = np.linspace(0.0, 29.75, 360)
spreads = np.vectorize(swap_spread)(0.0, ts, 0.25, comp.value('usd_libor_curve'), comp.value('usd_ois_curve'), comp.value('usd_ois_curve'))
plt.plot(ts, spreads, label='Model LIBOR-OIS Spreads')
plt.scatter(comp.value('usd_ois_ts'), comp.value('usd_libor_ois_mkt_spreads'), label='Market LIBOR-OIS Spreads')
In [20]:
plt.scatter(comp.value('usd_libor_ts'), comp.value('usd_libor_mkt_swap_rates'), label='Mkt Swap Rates')
In [21]:
Now that we have two curves, and our swaps could potentially be projected and discounted with different curves, it's appropriate to introduce a new node, curveset and have the valuation of our portfolio depend on that curveset, rather than pointing directly at specific curves. When we create curveset, we can also put in a check that our fit was good.
We update the design of our Swap instrument, and recreate the portfolio with the additional information.
By design, Loman lets us redefine the function that calculates portfolio_val and have it depend on curveset rather than usd_libor_curve, and the Swap instruments themselves direct curves to take from curveset to perform valuation.
In [22]:
Swap = namedtuple('Swap', ['notional', 'start', 'end', 'rate', 'freq', 'projection_curve', 'discount_curve'])
def create_curveset(usd_libor_curve, usd_ois_curve, usd_fitting_error):
if np.max(np.abs(usd_fitting_error) > 0.00001):
raise Exception("Fitting error > 0.1bps")
return {'USD-LIBOR-3M': usd_libor_curve, 'USD-OIS': usd_ois_curve}
comp.add_node('curveset', create_curveset)
comp.insert('portfolio', [
Swap(10000000, 5, 10, 0.025, 0.25, 'USD-LIBOR-3M', 'USD-OIS'),
Swap(-5000000, 2.5, 12.5, 0.02, 0.25, 'USD-LIBOR-3M', 'USD-OIS')
lambda portfolio, curveset:
[swap_pv(swap, curveset[swap.projection_curve], curveset[swap.discount_curve]) for swap in portfolio])
comp.draw_graphviz(graph_attr={'size': '10,8'})
Finally, we can see that our valuation is close but materially different to the previous LIBOR-only curve's result (86,395 and -274,086), exactly as we expect.
In [23]:
There are a few ways to calculate risk for a book of interest rate derivatives:
For this exposition, we will go with the latter method, and to keep things moving along, we will only produce risks to the LIBOR curve.
To accommodate this change, we'll create a new node called usd_libor_curve_perturbed which will be fed into curveset for valuation, and will itself be created from usd_libor_curve and a control input called usd_libor_curve_perturbation.
First things first, we need to define how to create a perturbed curve, using the recipe above. Note that once we've defined r and r_quad, everything else will flow through
In [24]:
class SumCurve(BaseIRCurve):
def __init__(self, *curves):
self.curves = curves
def r_quad(self, s, t):
return sum(curve.r_quad(s, t) for curve in self.curves)
def r(self, t):
return sum(curve.r(t) for curve in self.curves)
def create_perturbed_curve(curve, start, end, amount):
pert_curv = FlatIRCurve(np.array([start, end, np.max(curve.ts)]), np.array([0., amount, 0.]))
return SumCurve(curve, pert_curv)
To test this is working, we can see what happens when we bump the continuously-compounded rate by 5% between years 5 and 10 for example.
In [25]:
create_perturbed_curve(comp.value('usd_libor_curve'), 5., 10., 0.05).plot()
That looks as we expect, so we can go ahead and add our new nodes:
In [26]:
comp.add_node('usd_libor_curve_perturbation', value=(0, 1, 0.))
lambda usd_libor_curve, usd_libor_curve_perturbation:
create_perturbed_curve(usd_libor_curve, *usd_libor_curve_perturbation))
def create_curveset(usd_libor_curve_perturbed, usd_ois_curve, usd_fitting_error):
if np.max(np.abs(usd_fitting_error) > 0.00001):
raise Exception("Fitting error > 0.1bps")
return {'USD-LIBOR-3M': usd_libor_curve_perturbed, 'USD-OIS': usd_ois_curve}
comp.add_node('curveset', create_curveset)
comp.draw_graphviz(graph_attr={'size': '10,8'})
We can iterate over each year, and see the sensitivity of the portfolio to a change of 1bp in the forward swap rate for that year:
In [27]:
comp.insert('usd_libor_curve_perturbation', value=(0, 1, 0.))
base_value = np.array(comp.value('portfolio_val'))
pert_values = np.empty((30, base_value.shape[0]))
delta_value = np.empty((30, base_value.shape[0]))
ts = np.arange(30)
for i in ts:
comp.insert('usd_libor_curve_perturbation', value=(i, i+1, 0.0001))
pert_values[i] = comp.value('portfolio_val')
swap_rate_base = swap_rate(i, i+1, 0.25, comp.value('usd_libor_curve'), comp.value('usd_ois_curve'))
swap_rate_pert = swap_rate(i, i+1, 0.25, comp.value('usd_libor_curve_perturbed'), comp.value('usd_ois_curve'))
swap_rate_delta = swap_rate_pert - swap_rate_base
delta_value[i] = 0.0001 / swap_rate_delta * (pert_values[i] - base_value), delta_value.sum(axis=1), np.diff(np.concatenate([[0],ts])))
This concludes our interest example. We have shown that Loman makes it easy to simultaneously calibrate interest rate curves to market quotes, to value portfolios of interest rate derivatives, and to produce bucketed sensitivities.
The portfolio valuation also naturally extends to cover other interest rate derivatives.
The calibration approach - an external routine driving Loman to produce calibrated inputs for the computation - easily and naturally extends to calibrating to a global set of interest rate markets, with curveset drawing from many separate independent and interdependent calibrations. It can also extend to other markets, such as FX derivatives, listed options, credit derivatives.
Loman's ability to serialize computations allows the calibration to happen once, centrally, and be broadcast to user desktops for firm-wide consistent live valuation.
In short, we have only scratched the surface of what is possible with Loman with this example, and we look forward to further exploration in the future.